Posts Tagged vaginal yeast infections

Natural and Home Remedies For Vaginal Yeast Infection

Three out of four women will have a yeast infection in their lifetime. Factors that contribute to vaginal yeast infection include pregnancy, diabetes, and the use oral contraceptives, steroids, and antibiotics. Yeast infection is also more common after menopause due to declining estrogen levels, which thin the vaginal walls. Here are some natural remedies and home remedies that are used for yeast infection.

1. Probiotics – Probiotics are a popular natural remedy for yeast infection. They are live microbial organisms that are naturally present in the digestive tract and vagina. Probiotics, sometimes referred to as “friendly” bacteria, suppress the growth of potentially harmful organisms such as Candida, which is why probiotic supplements have been explored as a natural remedy for yeast infection.

The type of probiotic being studied for yeast infections is Lactobacillus, especially Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1, and Lactobacillus fermentum RC-14. In some studies, low levels of Lactobacilli in the vagina have been associated with yeast infection.

Probiotics are available as oral supplements. Probiotic vaginal supposities are also available, although they are more difficult to find. To learn more about probiotics, read my article on acidophilus and probiotics.

2. Boric Acid Suppositories – Another natural remedy for yeast infection is boric acid. Boric acid is a chemical substance with mild antiseptic and antifungal properties. A small Italian study examined the effectiveness of a topical treatment with boric acid compared to oral treamtment with the antifungal drug itraconazole (Sporanox) in 22 women with recurrent yeast infection. The topical boric acid was found to be as effective as itraconazole.

Boric acid suppositories are available from some compounding pharmacies. A boric acid suppository product called Yeast Arrest is manufactured by a supplement company based in Oregon called Vitanica. Yeast Arrest contains boric acid and the herbs oregon grape root and calendula.

There are safety concerns, however, with boric acid. Boric acid is toxic and should never be taken internally (by mouth) or placed on cuts or open wounds. It shouldn’t be used for a prolonged period of time, or in amounts greater than what’s recommended. It should not be used by pregnant women or applied to the skin of infants or children. Side effects of the suppositories may include vaginal burning and irritation.

3. Tea Tree Oil – The essential oil tea tree oil, diluted and applied topically to the vaginal area, has shown some potential as a natural home remedy for yeast infection. A compound called terpinen-4-ol in tea tree oil appears to be responsible.

Unfortunately, there haven’t been any clinical studies in humans showing that tea tree oil is effective or safe for yeast infection. Until we have more evidence, it should not be recommended. Tea tree oil must be diluted before applying it to the body. Full strength tea tree oil should never be applied to the vaginal area.

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Know What Vaginal Yeast Infections Is

A vaginal yeast infection means that too many yeast cells are growing in the vagina. Most yeast infections are caused by a type of yeast called Candida albicans. A healthy vagina has many bacteria and a small number of yeast cells. The most common bacteria, Lactobacillus acidophilus, help keep other organisms-like the yeast-under control.

When something happens to change the balance of these organisms, yeast can grow too much and cause symptoms. Taking antibiotics sometimes causes this imbalance. The high estrogen levels caused by pregnancy or hormone replacement therapy can also cause it. So can certain health problems, like diabetes or HIV infection.

A yeast infection causes itching or soreness in the vagina and sometimes causes pain or burning when you urinate or have sex. Some women also have a thick, clumpy, white discharge that has no odor and looks a little like cottage cheese.

These symptoms are more likely to occur during the week before your menstrual period. Vaginal yeast infections are very common. Although they can bother you a lot, they are not usually serious. And treatment is simple.

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